Our Company
Super Good Art is a graphic design company established in 2017. Our passion for creating fun and captivating art forms the core of our vision. We believe that great design has the power to transform brands and captivate audiences. Our mission is delivering innovative and visually stunning solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
At SGA, we take pride in our ability to collaborate with and support smaller businesses. We understand the challenges faced by emerging enterprises and strive to be their trusted partner in enhancing their visual identity. Whether it's designing eye-catching logos, crafting engaging marketing materials, or creating impactful social media graphics, we are here to provide professional and affordable graphic design services to help businesses thrive.
Join us  as we embark on a journey to make art more enjoyable, memorable, and accessible.
Founder/Graphic Artist
Tim Stearns
From a young age I loved to draw, but it was always just a hobby. Before I was introduced to graphic design and digital art, I never thought art would be my profession. Although there have been many ups and downs in my journey. I am delighted that I can continue to channel that creativity I have possessed since my childhood.
I created this company with a vision to make art that excites me. Whether it be commissioned work or personal pieces, I constantly challenge myself to elevate my designs to new heights. Early on in my career I realized I had to keep adapting and learning to grow as an artist and designer. Consequently, I am dedicated to expanding my skill set and exploring diverse mediums, including animation, 3D design, and the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence-based art.
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